Full HD Playback
Standalone | Cloud Player
Full HD Playback
Standalone | Cloud Player
4K Playback
Standalone | Cloud
Videowall | Interactive Player
Videowall | Interactive Player
Convert your TV to Digital Signage with GEP Series
GEP Series offers powerful Digital Signage Players suitable for any business needs. Manage contents locally (Standalone) or over Internet (via Cloud Service).
Enjoy the Power of Android on GEP Players
Cloud Management
Central Management
Schedule Contents
Wide Media Formats
Secured Platform
Local Support
Compatible with any deployment scenario
Supports Standalone and Network Management
Choose how you would like to manage the contents, for small retail/office usage standlone is the most cost effective solution as we offer Free CMS Software. For larger displays networks we recomend to use Cloud CMS which allows greater control over content distribution from Centralized Office.
Standalone with USB Storage Update
Simplest method to operate standalone digital signage player. This setup does not require any network connection, Internet or cloud subscription.
- Connect player to TV and Power supply
- Install CMS software on your computer
- upload contents to software and push to USB Drive
- Connect USB Drive to GEP player and Player with download all contents
Standalone with Local Network Update
Best practive to setup the standalone digital signage player. This setup does not require Internet nor cloud subscription.
- Connect player to TV and your Local Network (Cable or WIFI)
- Install CMS software on your computer
- upload contents to software and push to your GEP player
Cloud Content Management
Take full control of your GEP Players over internet, no matter where they are located.
* This setup requires Internet during contant update and cloud subscription
- Connect player to TV and Internet (Cable or WIFI)
- Login to Cloud CMS from any computer with modern web browser
- upload contents to software and push to your GEP player
* This setup requires Internet during contant update and cloud subscription
Extremely Flexible Layout Designer
Choose from range of available Templates and feel Free to modify the Template as you wish. There is no restriction on screen layout design.